Deep Cleansing Facial

Deep Cleansing Facial – £45 | 60 Mins

Shilajita Mumiyo facial is one of the most effective ways to de-stress and unwind your mind and body through massage techniques using soft bundles, and carefully selected Ayurvedic products. As a result of activating Marma points, you will experience results that you will be amazed by and that will leave you feeling delighted.

After your skin has been cleansed and exfoliated, it will feel hydrated and nourished. A mask is then applied whilst a lovely scalp massage melts away stress's physical and emotional effects. The mask is taken off with hot towels then a Dosha-specific facial cream is applied.

Ayurvedic and herbal products and unique massage techniques reduce facial tension while tightening and toning your skin.

During this treatment, we apply an Ayurvedic face mask and a cream specific to your dosha.